What Are Your Legal Options if You’re Injured by a Drunk Driver?

Personal Injury Claims in Baltimore


Every driver has a responsibility to operate his or her motor vehicle in a reasonably safe manner. Although the dangers of drunk driving are widely known, many individuals still make the reckless decision to get behind the wheel while intoxicated. If you were the victim of a drunk driver and you sustained injuries or property damage, you have the legal right to consult a personal injury lawyer located in Baltimore. A personal injury attorney will conduct a case review, examine the available evidence, and explain your legal options. It’s important to note that any civil liability assessed against the drunk driver is entirely separate from criminal charges that will likely be filed against him or her.

Legal Options for Injury by a Drunk Driver

Filing an Insurance Claim

Your personal injury attorney may recommend filing an insurance claim to recoup the costs associated with your medical expenses and other losses. You could file an insurance claim against your own auto insurance carrier or the drunk driver’s carrier. Typically, obtaining a just settlement from an insurance company requires some negotiation on the part of your attorney at law.

Filing a Personal Injury Lawsuit

Insurance claims often result in favorable settlements for victims of drunk drivers. However, if an acceptable settlement is not forthcoming or your losses exceed the allowable limits by the auto insurance policy, your personal injury lawyer may recommend filing a lawsuit. However, because Maryland follows no-fault rules for auto accidents, it is not strictly necessary to exhaust an auto insurance policy’s limits in order to be eligible to file a lawsuit. Even if you do have your lawyer file a lawsuit, this does not automatically mean that you will have to go to court. Many personal injury lawsuits are resolved through out-of-court settlements.

Filing a Wrongful Death Lawsuit

If a drunk driver was responsible for causing the accident that claimed the life of your loved one, you may wish to consult a personal injury lawyer about filing a wrongful death lawsuit. Wrongful death litigation may offer you a sense of closure and justice for your loved one.