• Understanding Auto Accident Claims

    If you were involved in an auto accident and you live in Baltimore, you can hire a car accident attorney to protect your best interests. The accident attorney can file a claim against the other driver’s insurance carrier. In the claim, the accident attorney may propose an amount for the settlement. The settlement is intended to cover the costs stemming from the accident , such as your car repair expenses or car replacement costs. The settlement should also cover any related medical expenses you’ve accrued as a result of the accident.

    In many cases, the other driver’s insurance carrier will submit a counteroffer to the personal injury law firm. Since insurance companies are interested in making a profit, they typically respond with a low counteroffer. Your accident attorney can continue to negotiate with the insurance carrier until he or she reaches a settlement deal that is acceptable to you. Before you accept a settlement, be sure to keep careful track of all of your ongoing expenses related to the crash so that you can obtain just compensation.

    Auto Accident

  • Raising Awareness About Repetitive Use Injuries at Work

    Many people only pursue a temporary or permanent disability claim for acute injuries. However, you can also visit a workers’ compensation law firm serving Baltimore to meet with an accident attorney about repetitive strain injuries. Any type of job and occupational industry has the potential to lead to repetitive use injuries. Since these injuries can grow progressively worse if left untreated, it’s advisable to consult a workers’ compensation attorney right away.

    Watch this video for a brief introduction to repetitive use injuries in the workplace. You’ll hear some startling statistics about occupational injuries and you’ll learn about the areas of the body that are most often affected by them. This video also explains the types of repetitive movements that are likely to lead to injuries.

  • A Look at the Most Common Dangers in the Workplace

    Employers are responsible for following OSHA guidelines to maintain a safe work environment. Even in a generally safe work environment, however, accidents can sometimes occur. If you sustain injuries at your job in Baltimore, a workers’ compensation attorney can help protect your legal rights. An accident attorney can ensure that you follow the necessary protocols to receive workers’ compensation benefits. In the event that your initial claim is denied, a workers’ compensation attorney can file an appeal on your behalf.

    Common Workplace Dangers in Glen Burnie, MD









    Repetitive Use Injuries

    Many jobs require repetitive movements, such as bending and lifting, twisting and turning, and reaching and grabbing. Whether you work in a cubicle or on an assembly line, you could be at risk of repetitive use injuries. These can include carpal tunnel syndrome, back muscle strain, disc herniation, and tenosynovitis. While repetitive use injuries may not always be visible to the naked eye, they can be just as debilitating as a serious acute injury. Repetitive use injuries may lead to missed time at work and reduced quality of life. With the help of an attorney at law, you can obtain the benefits you need to rehab your injury.

    Machinery Injuries

    If your job requires you to use heavy machinery, your employer should have trained you to use this machinery safely. Your employer should also provide the necessary safety equipment, which may include safety goggles or face shields. Despite taking these precautions, workers may still suffer from serious injuries from machinery malfunctions or other problems. These types of injuries can range from minor lacerations to accidental amputations. Talk to your attorney if you think you may need to file a permanent disability claim in the wake of a serious injury.


    Falls are another danger common to many workplaces . Falls may occur in cluttered hallways or aisles while carrying heavy objects, or while navigating a ladder or scaffolding. They can cause traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), bone fractures, internal trauma, and many other serious medical problems. After sustaining serious injuries in a fall, you may be out of work for quite a while.

  • What Steps Should You Take if You Are Stopped for a DUI?

    As a driver, you owe a duty of care to everyone on the roadway. Part of fulfilling this responsibility involves never getting behind the wheel while you are impaired by alcohol or drugs. However, mistakes do happen and many people misjudge the extent of their impairment. If you do get pulled over on suspicion of DUI, you will need the guidance of a seasoned DUI attorney . Representation from a DUI attorney in Baltimore is your best chance of a favorable outcome.

    DUI Testing in Glen Burnie, MD

    Pull Over Safely

    As soon as you realize that you are being pulled over, it’s essential to avoid giving the police officer any further evidence of your alleged impairment. Look for a safe place to pull over. While doing so, avoid driving erratically. Remember to use your turn signal to indicate to the officer that you are complying.

    Place the Officer at Ease

    Police officers are trained to watch for potential signs of additional problems, such as a confrontation. Acting suspiciously may mean that your DUI attorney will have to defend you from additional charges. As soon as you have parked your car, turn off the engine, turn on the interior light if it’s dark outside, and place your hands on the wheel. Do not reach for your driver’s license or registration until the police officer requests them. If you do so while the officer is approaching your vehicle, he or she will assume that you’re reaching for a weapon or trying to hide contraband.

    Cooperate to a Certain Extent

    Your DWI lawyer will advise you to remain polite and cooperative with the police officer. Treat the officer respectfully and provide information such as your name and address when asked. However, do not forfeit your legal rights. If the officer asks you if you’ve been drinking, you can say, “I’m not trying to be uncooperative, but I’ve been advised not to answer those questions.”

    Comply with DUI Testing

    The police officer may ask you to perform a field sobriety test, such as walking the line. You have the right to refuse a field sobriety test. However, you should not refuse chemical testing because you will be subjected to penalties. Police officers do have to follow certain rules when administering chemical tests. You have the right to request an independent chemical test, in addition to the test administered at the police station.

  • Getting Compensation for Hospitalization After a Workplace Injury

    If you have sustained a workplace injury, it’s in your best interests to consult a workers’ compensation lawyer located in Baltimore. Legal guidance is especially important if your injury is severe enough to require hospitalization. A workers’ compensation attorney can help you by filing a temporary or permanent disability claim on your behalf. You can prepare for your consultation with the workers’ compensation attorney by gathering together copies of your medical records, the incident report, and your medical bills. You should save all documents pertaining to your diagnostic tests, medications, lab fees, surgery, other medical treatments, and hospitalization.

    When your workers’ compensation lawyer files the claim on your behalf, he or she will argue that your injury was a direct result of occupational activities. This is essential for your injury and hospitalization to be covered under workers’ compensation. In the event that your initial claim for compensation is denied, your workers’ compensation attorney can file an appeal on your behalf.


  • A Look at Implied Consent Laws

    If you contact a DUI law firm near Baltimore, the DUI attorney will generally advise you to consent to an alcohol or drug test after being pulled over on suspicion of DUI . This is because Maryland, like many other states, has implied consent laws. As your DUI attorney can explain to you, violating these laws can result in significant penalties. These penalties can be imposed in addition to any criminal penalties that may result from a DUI conviction.

    You can hear more about implied consent laws by watching this video or consulting a DUI lawyer at a DUI law firm. This video explains that by obtaining the privilege of a driver’s license, you automatically consent to being tested for alcohol or drugs if a police officer has reason to believe you have been driving while impaired.

  • Characteristics of a Safe Work Environment

    All employees have the right to a safe workplace. Regardless of whether a company has six employees or 600, employers have an obligation to exercise reasonable caution regarding potential workplace hazards. If you do sustain an injury while you’re on the job, you have the right to contact an accident attorney. An accident lawyer in Baltimore can file a temporary or permanent disability claim on your behalf. Your accident lawyer can also investigate the incident to determine whether your employer may have been neglecting basic safety protocols.


    Identification of Potential Hazards

    Every workplace has potential hazards. It’s the responsibility of the employer to assess what those hazards are. Some potential causes of injuries are common to most workplaces, such as slippery or cluttered floors that may lead to a fall. Others are specific to certain industries, such as the possibility of sharps injuries at a hospital or exposure to toxic chemicals at a manufacturing plant. To promote a safe work environment, employers may need to periodically assess new hazards and update safety procedures.

    Proactive Approach for Injury Prevention

    Another characteristic of a safe work environment is that the company encourages a proactive stance toward preventing injuries. An accident attorney may evaluate whether an employer has measures in place to prevent unqualified and improperly trained employees from performing dangerous jobs. All new employees should receive adequate training regarding safety procedures. They should be able to identify possible hazards and to know how to respond appropriately. Employees may need to undergo periodic training programs to refresh their knowledge and skills. These may include emergency preparedness drills. Additionally, employers should take a proactive approach toward equipment safety. Heavy machinery may need to be serviced on a regular basis and checked for possible malfunctions. Employers have the responsibility to ensure that each employee is properly equipped with protective gear and is compliant in using it.

    Procedures for Incident Reporting

    Regardless of the precautions a company takes to promote a safe work environment, accidents can still occur. It’s essential for human resource departments to make reporting procedures accessible for employees. Additionally, employees should be encouraged to report any potential hazards they notice in the workplace.

  • What You Need to Know About the Maryland’s Statute of Limitations for Personal Injury Cases

    You may have heard that in criminal law, there are time periods within which a prosecutor might bring charges against a defendant for any particular crime. These time periods are known as statutes of limitations. The same principle applies to personal injury cases. Since there is a deadline to file a personal injury claim, it’s best to go to a personal injury law firm located in Baltimore as soon as possible after the incident occurred. Doing so will preserve your legal right to have a personal injury attorney help you seek justice.

    Personal injury claim

    Defining the Statute of Limitations

    In many states, the statute of limitations for personal injury cases is set at two years. However, Maryland allows most civil tort cases to be filed no later than three years from the start of the time period. In some cases, the deadline is shortened to one year. This applies to allegations of intentional personal injury, such as assault, rather than damages caused by negligence. If you do not act within this time period, you may forfeit your right to have a personal injury attorney file a claim on your behalf.

    Establishing the Start of the Time Period

    One step your personal injury lawyer will take is to determine when the statute of limitations for your case should have begun. In most cases, the statute of limitations logically begins from the date of the incident. For example, if you were struck by a car on January 1, 2016, the statute of limitations would begin on that date and run for three years before expiring. However, plaintiffs in personal injury cases do not always identify their losses on the same day during which they occurred. For instance, you may have slipped and fallen on someone else’s property. You may have thought you were fine initially, but then later you developed symptoms of a concussion. It is possible that the statute of limitations would begin on the date that you could reasonably expect to know that your symptoms were caused by the incident. However, it’s always best to consult an attorney at law sooner, rather than later, given that personal injury cases can take time to build.

  • How Your Degree of Disability Affects Your Workers’ Compensation Claims

    If you’ve been hurt while on the job, a workers’ compensation attorney can help you obtain the compensation you’re entitled to receive. Your workers’ compensation law firm serving Baltimore may file a temporary or permanent disability claim on your behalf, depending on the results of your medical examination. Whether or not your disability is expected to be permanent directly influences the amount of compensation you might receive.

    For instance, as your workers’ compensation attorney can advise you, you may receive up to two-thirds of your average weekly wages while you are on temporary total disability. However, this compensation is subject to a maximum limit of 100 percent of the average weekly wage in Maryland. If your workers’ compensation lawyer files a claim for a temporary partial disability, it means that you can still perform some work duties and so your compensation will be adjusted accordingly. For a permanent total disability, Maryland workers may receive two-thirds of their average weekly pay, subject to the maximum limit of the state’s average weekly wage. Work injury claim

  • Don’t Ignore These Concussion Symptoms After a Car Accident

    After a car accident, you may decide to speak with an attorney at law at a personal injury law firm located in Baltimore. The car accident attorney will need to know about all of the injuries you sustained in the crash . Head trauma is particularly common among car accident victims. A concussion can be indicated by blurry vision, dizziness, vomiting, and headaches. Additionally, concussions may cause loss of consciousness, memory loss, and impaired concentration.

    You can hear more about these and other symptoms when you watch this video. This video urges viewers to seek medical attention promptly upon noticing any of the signs of a concussion. It also warns patients against taking over-the-counter pain relievers if a concussion may have occurred, since these may increase the risk of bleeding. While you recover from a concussion, your accident attorney may advise you to keep track of your lost wages. In addition to helping you recover compensation for your medical bills, the accident lawyer can help you seek compensation for lost work days.