Protecting Your Health and Your Rights After a Workplace Injury

Protecting Health and Rights Post Workplace Injuries


workers compensation baltimore

Workplace injuries, whether major or minor, must be handled in a very specific way to ensure that you retain the rights afforded to you by your company’s worker’s compensation insurance. If you’ve suffered from an injury, illness, or disease as a direct result of your work environment, and while on the clock, you can consult with a worker’s compensation attorney in Baltimore for advice. For guidance on how to preserve your rights and your health after a workplace injury, keep reading.

Understand What Is Covered by Worker’s Compensation Insurance

It’s important to understand what is covered by worker’s compensation, and what your rights are as an employee, prior to sustaining an injury on the job. Any injury, illness, or disease sustained due to employer negligence, or as a result of your work environment, while you’re on the clock, and in the course of your normal workplace duties, is covered by worker’s compensation. The only exceptions to this rule are accidents that occur as the result of an employee’s own negligence, evidence that proves that the employee wasn’t following company policy at the time of the accident, and accidents sustained while committing a crime.

Seek Medical Attention Immediately

If you are injured on the job, or develop symptoms of an illness, disease, or medical condition as a result of your job duties, you must seek medical attention immediately. Notify your direct supervisor of your condition, and advise him or her that you are seeking medical attention. In an emergency, you can visit any hospital or doctor for medical care. In a non-emergency situation, you must seek medical care from a provider who is authorized by the Workers’ Compensation Board. Retain copies of all documentation regarding your diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis.

File a Worker’s Compensation Claim

Once you have received medical care, you’ll need to fill out a worker’s compensation claim form. A workers’ compensation lawyer or personal injury attorney can help you complete this form, if necessary. This form must be mailed to the nearest office of the Workers’ Compensation Board.