Being arrested for a DUI can have serious repercussions, but the steps you take in the immediate aftermath of your arrest can have important implications for your case. The first step is to call an attorney in Baltimore with experience in DUI cases. If you find yourself facing a DUI arrest, these do’s and don’ts will help you protect your rights and mitigate the fallout.
Don’t Discuss Your Case
After an arrest, most people know that they shouldn’t discuss their case with the police without an attorney present. What many people don’t realize is that you shouldn’t discuss your case with anyone except your lawyer until it has been settled. Giving details about the circumstance of your arrest and your actions leading up to it could end up being harmful to your case if you say something incriminating that is repeated to prosecutors or the police. Keep all of the details of your case between you and your attorney until it has concluded.
Do Work Closely with Your Attorney
You and your attorney will need to work hand-in-hand on preparing your defense. In the aftermath of your arrest, it can be helpful to write down everything you can remember about your arrest, including details about your interactions with the arresting officers, what kind of instructions they gave you, and how your sobriety test was conducted. This information will help your attorney determine if your arrest was legal and if your rights were violated in any way. Throughout your case preparation, provide your attorney with any information that is requested as quickly as possible, and attend all meetings and court dates.
Don’t Drive on a Suspended License
If your license is suspended after your DUI, do not drive. If you are caught, the consequences can be severe and may include significant fines, additional license suspension time, and incarceration. Your attorney can help you negotiate with the court to get permission to drive for necessary trips, such as to work or to pick up your children from school.